“Jungle Boy”

    Jungle boy doesn’t really know for now how old jungle girl (me) really is. Since he’s young and extremely stubborn, he didn’t get the chance to learn something important in life. The other two essays are about my loss of him after learning their darkest secret. I want to share something from aContinue reading ““Jungle Boy””

“Jungle Girl Loves Jungle Boy, Part 1”

    I am crushed beyond and have been crying tears of sorrow. I learned someone’s darkest secret and didn’t reveal to them, mine. Without giving away what it is, all I can say is, the person my heart told me, “I LOVE THIS MAN” has the same dark secret as me! I have beenContinue reading ““Jungle Girl Loves Jungle Boy, Part 1””

“Human Trafficking of Little Girls (And Boys)”

While liberals in first world countries are protesting the government, Trump and Putin, and equality of women, they ALL fail when it comes to issues regarding human rights. They have it extremely easy because they are NOT bombarded with the cultural and religious laws of where they reside. In Southeast Asia, very young boys areContinue reading ““Human Trafficking of Little Girls (And Boys)””

There’s A Reason…

There’s a reason why I’ve been avoiding “dating” men… It’s because all they do is LIE!!!! They lie about showing an interest in me, they lie about their marital status, and they also LIE about being honest when it truth, NONE are! I’ve had my fair share of hooking up EVERY type who are attractiveContinue reading “There’s A Reason…”

“The Impossible”

There wasn’t any advanced screening for this movie that stars Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor. This movie is based on the Tsunami that his Thailand on Christmas Day in 2004. The actually family is Spanish but in the movie, they’re depicted as British. The story accounts the family merely having a vacation when the resortContinue reading ““The Impossible””