“Maybe We Should Have Never Met”

  Maybe we should have never met or else we wouldn’t have a choice but to say goodbye to each other. Maybe we should have never met because our relationship is very much over. Maybe I should have never approached you because you looked all alone. Maybe I should have ignored you from the start.Continue reading ““Maybe We Should Have Never Met””

“Security and Shopping”

As it’s that time of year, when there are sales online and in stores all over the world especially in America. People are thinking that they are getting a good deal for whatever it might be, but is the good deal worth the pain and struggle of an actual sale? The real truth, how safeContinue reading ““Security and Shopping””

“Success and Failures: Who Are Your True Friends?”

Whether a person is successful in life, there’s a time when MOST persons were struggling to the point they were homeless and not even family were willing to help. These people who suffered weren’t drunkards or drug addicts, they were just everyday people who hit hard times. We will always who know our true friendsContinue reading ““Success and Failures: Who Are Your True Friends?””


[Woman falls in love with a gay man] I can’t believe that I fell in love with Peter. He wasn’t what I wanted but my heart chose him. As much as he has later become a bit of a jerk, my heart still loves him even though my brain does not. I can’t put tooContinue reading ““Us””

“Sold, to the highest bidder”

You can one day own a business and then the following day you’re no longer the boss. It is taboo whether it is a smart move to sell a business while for some business owners it’s the sacrifice to be bought out to save themselves from further failure. Some of the greatest business transactions inContinue reading ““Sold, to the highest bidder””