From March 2023

March 13, 2023 I don’t know why. Why? Does _ stay in my mind. What is it about them that keeps popping into my head? For all I know, they probably don’t even want me. I know I’m not a priority for them. I never have been. But there’s just something about _ that IContinue reading “From March 2023”

“Your Life Will NEVER Be Worse Than Mine”

[Early excerpt for an upcoming book.] I hate it when people complain about their life over situations that are relatively petty in nature. Almost ALL of the people from first world countries, ONLY complain about EVERY little thing that has NO REAL substantial purpose! I don’t know where to begin discussing. How would I letContinue reading ““Your Life Will NEVER Be Worse Than Mine””

“Fact or Fiction”

While I laid to my lover’s right side, I noticed something wrong. I hadn’t seen the person for a month, and I would have noticed before what was wrong with them from before. Men are idiotic, very much so when it comes to being involved with women. So, what was wrong with him? He hadContinue reading ““Fact or Fiction””


  Why did I spend my little bit of money that was intended for my bills to rent a vehicle and drive out of town? Why did I go to that friend’s house when it started raining? Why did I even stay when they weren’t originally home? Why did I even strike up a conversationContinue reading ““WHY?””

“Girl, He Doesn’t Love You”

  Several years ago, a female friend of mine told me that revealed that her husband was cheating on her. What’s even ironic, even though she was much younger than him, she was the bread winner between them. She left him, obviously. She hasn’t really been openly involved with anyone since, to which, I don’tContinue reading ““Girl, He Doesn’t Love You””

“Downfall of Fashion in Silicon Valley”

While (white) women spend so much money to stay youthful looking, buying cosmetics and skincare, they’re the main reason fashion stays afloat in any major city in the world. MANY East Asian women have been copying white women from Europe and the USA when it comes to the desire for expensive clothes, shoes, and handbags.Continue reading ““Downfall of Fashion in Silicon Valley””

“Living with a Rare Disease: Fahr’s”

    Three days ago, I was diagnosed with a rare disease called “fahr’s disease” or “fahr’s syndrome. I think what happened this time around when going to the hospital, is that I request an MRI. Since I don’t have insurance right now, it’s going to be a very expensive bill! Well, at least IContinue reading ““Living with a Rare Disease: Fahr’s””

Who are the Invisible Victims of the #MeToo Movement?

As a non-white woman in the USA, I’ve been a victim of sexual assault along with the standard harassment from men. I don’t recall who my perpetrator is by name, but I can name the place and time when it happened. If ANY man of who has the same build as that creep, I naturallyContinue reading “Who are the Invisible Victims of the #MeToo Movement?”

“Sexual Harassment in the Media Industry”

When I was taking an engineering class in high school, a boy followed me into the supply closet and blocked the door so that I couldn’t get out. I was a virgin and the boy demanded a blowjob, which I didn’t even know what that was at the time. I punched his fat belly asContinue reading ““Sexual Harassment in the Media Industry””

“Hispanic Male and East Asian Woman”

    Although the relationship is pretty much over, I wanted to share my experience of what it’s like to date a man who’s close to my age. He’s Hispanic and white. He did “23 and Me” thanks to me and learnt that his white mother isn’t German, after all, but is of Irish/English heritageContinue reading ““Hispanic Male and East Asian Woman””