“Your Life Will NEVER Be Worse Than Mine”

[Early excerpt for an upcoming book.] I hate it when people complain about their life over situations that are relatively petty in nature. Almost ALL of the people from first world countries, ONLY complain about EVERY little thing that has NO REAL substantial purpose! I don’t know where to begin discussing. How would I letContinue reading ““Your Life Will NEVER Be Worse Than Mine””

“Tech and Gaming Continues to Discriminate”

    Tech and gaming industries as a whole, continues to discriminate against women. It’s even more difficult for women who are older in age, since they’re discriminated as a whole due to ageism. It doesn’t even matter if an older female has a degree, she will be rejected by tech and gaming companies. IfContinue reading ““Tech and Gaming Continues to Discriminate””

“Downfall of Fashion in Silicon Valley”

While (white) women spend so much money to stay youthful looking, buying cosmetics and skincare, they’re the main reason fashion stays afloat in any major city in the world. MANY East Asian women have been copying white women from Europe and the USA when it comes to the desire for expensive clothes, shoes, and handbags.Continue reading ““Downfall of Fashion in Silicon Valley””

“Forced Celibacy in the Tech Industry”

    It’s a new “trend” that (younger) men who work in the tech industry are choosing to be celibate. Why is that the case? With all the cases and accusations from women about assault and harassment, men are fearful of being accused just for conversing with a female that isn’t his mother or sister(s).Continue reading ““Forced Celibacy in the Tech Industry””

“Technology Tomorrow”

What will be the next type of technology for tomorrow? Will what we have today even be relevant in the next week or month? Will companies upgrade their products and software to accommodate their competition? There’s so much between brands such as Apple and Samsung when it comes to smartphones and then there’s the otherContinue reading ““Technology Tomorrow””

Who are the Invisible Victims of the #MeToo Movement?

As a non-white woman in the USA, I’ve been a victim of sexual assault along with the standard harassment from men. I don’t recall who my perpetrator is by name, but I can name the place and time when it happened. If ANY man of who has the same build as that creep, I naturallyContinue reading “Who are the Invisible Victims of the #MeToo Movement?”

“Tech Security Meets Media”

  At special breakfast hosted by the Bubble Agency during NAB Show 2018, during the round table discussions, cloud services are being used more often since most persons in film and music editing work remotely. In all honesty, there are still some skeptics about the usage of cloud storage and how secure it really is,Continue reading ““Tech Security Meets Media””

“Sexual Harassment in the Media Industry”

When I was taking an engineering class in high school, a boy followed me into the supply closet and blocked the door so that I couldn’t get out. I was a virgin and the boy demanded a blowjob, which I didn’t even know what that was at the time. I punched his fat belly asContinue reading ““Sexual Harassment in the Media Industry””

“Looking Up Into The Cloud”

    With recent natural disasters, many major city areas have been submerged. South Asia is known for their location of enterprise call and data centers, and the Houston area has numerous corporation subdivisions. Flooding has caused many people to be without power and vehicles can’t get to the people that need help for atContinue reading ““Looking Up Into The Cloud””

“Insecure, After-all”

    With the political quarrels all over this world, governmental figures are blaming one each other that they’ve been hacked. There’s skepticism whether that someone who happens to be working for the opposing government, hacked the systems, or in these matters, it was more likely carelessness from political persons that allowed a regular “Joe”Continue reading ““Insecure, After-all””