“Why I Chose NOT to Go Back to School AGAIN”

  EVERY day in my youth, I was told that I was stupid, fat, ugly, and a failure. My sisters ALWAYS told me that and my mother, of all people. ALL of my cousins and aunts that I grew up around, they too insulted me with the same. ALL of the family friends NEVER saidContinue reading ““Why I Chose NOT to Go Back to School AGAIN””

“Be Vocal In Tech and Gaming”

  To be a woman involved with tech and gaming isn’t easy. It’s the most competition anyone would have to endure. Why is that so? Women judge each other, no matter what the professional industry, just as they do to each other in high school. Any female who has been openly vocal about the techContinue reading ““Be Vocal In Tech and Gaming””

“Fashion Tips From Someone Who Used to Work in Retail and NEVER Had A Customer Return What They Bought”

Yes, I know fashion despite what anyone who’s ever seen me would think! I’ve worked in retail on and off since graduating high school and the winter holiday seasons as well as in between other types of jobs and schooling.  I want to share my personal types on getting fashion done right no matter whatContinue reading ““Fashion Tips From Someone Who Used to Work in Retail and NEVER Had A Customer Return What They Bought””